What is Sciatica?
The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness that originates in the llower back and travels through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg. Sciatica is not a medical diagnosis in and of itself – it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition.
Sciatica Nerve Pain
Sciatica is often characterized by one or more of the following symptoms:
- Constant pain in only one side of the buttock or leg (rarely can occur in both legs)
- Pain that is worse when sitting
- Burning or tingling down the leg (vs. a dull ache)
- Weakness, numbness or difficulty moving the leg or foot
- A constant pain on one side of the rear
- A sharp pain that may make it difficult to stand up or to walk
Common Sciatica Causes & Treatment
Lumbar, or lower back pain is especially common, and debilitating, since this area of spine and muscles is needed for almost all activities, and is especially prone to lifting injuries. Among various causes are slipped discs, sacroiliac and hip mis-alignment, and pulled muscles.
Using Scenar, we can generally have excellent results with lumbar back pain and sciatica. Scenar is great for re-aligning the back muscles which usually cause much of the problem, and the nerve pathways which can get inflamed and produce the sciatica.

Alison Smithson
I bought the Pain Genie Home Scenar for a painful knee condition. It worked extremely well on the knee but even better was the result I got after falling down t Read More ›
To anyone thinking about Scenar treatment, Over a number of years now my health has deteriorated due to stress related issues. These were brought on by living i Read More ›
I suffered from very painful RSI for years as a result of computer work. I had some Pain Genie Scenar treatments and now am pain free. Nothing else had the same Read More ›
Following neurological damage to the face and neck after dental work I had tried most things to calm down the various nerve and muscle pains I was experiencing; Read More ›
Derek Moore
Attending my usual weekly pilates class at the local gym the teacher Pam was struggling herself raising her leg in one of the stretching exercises. At the end o Read More ›