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"Pain Genie - 40 years experience -  a natural approach to pain relief and personal health using Scenar therapy with our DVD and members area instructional videos"

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Pain Genie Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hurt myself with it or can I damage it?
Can I take my Pain Genie abroad?
Can the Scenar bring on a ‘healing crisis’?
Does Scenar therapy need any special knowledge or training?
Do studies exist showing effectiveness of treatment
How can I learn more about Scenar technology and accelerated healing?
How long will the batteries last?
How many different pain relief pads are available?
How often do I need to use the Pain Genie Scenar before my pain goes away?
I dont have any pain but have a serious health condition , can I be helped
I just want to stop the pain. Do I really need the specialist techniques videos, DVD and support that you include in the package?
It is OK watching medical professionals, but I am not good with machines. I am concerned that I will not be able to use the Pain Genie properly.
I’ve already spent £100 on something that hasn’t worked. Why should I risk more money?
I’ve tried all the other remedies and nothing has worked. Why should the Pain Genie Scenar be any different?
What benefits can be achieved by using the Scenar with additional probes (attachments)?
What benefits can be achieved by using the Scenar with additional probes (attachments)?
What conditions can the Scenar treat?
What is a ‘healing crisis’?
What is an 'Asymmetry' and how does the Pain Genie Scenar find and treat them?
What is Herring’s Law?
What is the simple explanation of how a genuine Scenar device works?
What type of battery is required for my Scenar?
When should I not use my Scenar?
Why does it say NOT to treat C7?
Why should I buy from Pain Genie ?


Alison Smithson

I bought the Pain Genie Home Scenar for a painful knee condition. It worked extremely well on the knee but even better was the result I got after falling down t Read More ›


To anyone thinking about Scenar treatment, Over a number of years now my health has deteriorated due to stress related issues. These were brought on by living i Read More ›


I suffered from very painful RSI for years as a result of computer work. I had some Pain Genie Scenar treatments and now am pain free. Nothing else had the same Read More ›


Following neurological damage to the face and neck after dental work I had tried most things to calm down the various nerve and muscle pains I was experiencing; Read More ›

Derek Moore

Attending my usual weekly pilates class at the local gym the teacher Pam was struggling herself raising her leg in one of the stretching exercises. At the end o Read More ›

Pain Genie Scenar, DVD, Manual, Members Area

€780.00 (excluding VAT) Learn More Watch Video

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020 7873 2206


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